Dear Blog,
Last week I decided to have a computer cleanse. I decided to do this because since we don't have a TV, the computer, namely the Internet, gets most of my and Heath's time. We are quite addicted. So last Sunday (the 5th) we tucked our little laptop away. Here were our week's highlights:
Sunday: Went to our friend's, the Webster's, baby blessing. It was one of the best blessing I've ever heard.
Monday: Labor Day and Heath's day off!!! He did homework and I cleaned the house...this took up the whole day.
Tuesday: Tatum and my nieces came over and I gave Peyton a piano lesson.

Wednesday: Helped Sarah make party hats for Saturday's party.
Thursday: A very bad day. I cried a lot and wanted to pull out my hair!!!
Friday: Grammy Wilcock watched Juniper for half the day and gave me a break! I cleaned and studied (finally!).
Saturday: Party!!! We celebrated my niece's 1st birthday along with her daddy's (my brother) 32nd birthday. It was lots of fun and my SIL, Sarah, did a very cute job with all the birthday decor.
Sunday: Church. And dinner with some new friends in the ward which was great.
I have to let you in on a little secret. I actually only lasted until Thursday, meaning I caved in and got on the computer on Thursday. I blame it on the bad day, plus I was dying to check my email. I decided to stay clear of blogs since they really suck me in. It's also incredible how many times in a day I think of something, have a question about it and say to myself, "I'll google it." How did we ever not have the Internet and especially Google?
Emily Wilcock